Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Ramadhan - Day 18

18 days of fasting and I've only lost 500g so far.  This is an achievement for me since I usually lose 3kg - 4kg  .  4kg won't be much for some but it's about 8% of my bodyweight.  8% is a lot in a month if you ask me.

As you may know, I have successfully started my cooking adventures this month.  Granted, it isn't much.  Most All of them are fried stuff e.g. stir fried veges, fried meat, fried chicken, fried egg.  The plus point is I get to control what goes inside my frying pan.  And I have increased my vege intake quite easily.

Also new this past week is my efforts in detoxing my body.  Simple stuff.  I just blend a green apple and 2 pieces of celery together and drink the concentrated juice.  Maybe it's just psychological, but I'm starting to notice a reduction of dry skin in the eczema-prone parts of my body.  That's kind of cool.  But I have to say the apple+celery concoction makes me wanna pee more often.

Training wise, I've cut down training from 4 days per week to 3 days only.  And my de-loading week will coincide with the Hari Raya holidays.  Talk about nice timing, eh?

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