Friday, December 17, 2010

Of Commitment and Mind Control

Guess what. My stupid car broke down last night. Thank god I was very near my apartment and the car just had enough in it to make it to the parking space. It broke down completely and I had to get it towed to the workshop. With half a day gone, there's no point in me trying to go to the office. So I told my boss I'd be on Emergency Leave (already told him last night. I'm a bit of a girl scout when it comes to work).

Without a car I was pretty much immobile for these few days. But I went to the gym anyway. Took a cab. And trained. The training, and the breakdown incident has made me realize that:

  1. It would be inevitable that you will get strong. All you need to do is consistently lift heavier than you did before.
  2. You can lift heavier... your body will adapt. But your body will only do what your mind tells you to. If your mind is weak, and you have the heart of a sheep rather than a lion, you won't see progress. And that applies to everything else in life.
  3. Your mind will only get stronger when you have set it in you to commit to an objective. The commitment will be your motivation, it will be mind fuel. It will make you want to be the best you can be. There will be no excuses. Excuses are just an excuse.

One day you'll look back and realize that you've come a long way... But you have a long way more to go. You realize that the journey never ends. You will set another target. Another objective. You'll go on board another mission.

This is what separates the lion from the sheep. The winners from the losers. The strong from the weak.

Okay, this junkie is done rambling. Thank you and have a pleasant weekend.

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