Wednesday, August 10, 2011

This Ramadhan, focus on Technique

So we're into the second week of the fasting month.  My training schedule is back to normal.  I am training almost daily.  It's amazing how I can feel lethargic all day long but immediately feel so much more perky once I start lifting.  Must be all those feel good hormones coursing through my system.

As we all know, it's not easy to lift as much as you normally do during days when you are not fasting.  I used to think that's a bad thing.  But as these past 1.5 weeks have taught me, it is actually a blessing in disguise.  You see, sometimes I am too eager to increase the weights that I lift that I tend to forget about the most important thing: technique.

I've been going through some of the strength training books that I have in my possession and realize that I have overlooked or forgotten about some key points when lifting.

Take the squat for example.  It is advisable that you adopt a wider stance when you squat.  I've discovered that it is much easier to keep your knees out and your hips back as you move downwards as compared to when you adopt a narrower stance.

I'm actually glad that I have to settle with lighter weights this Ramadhan.  This way it is much easier to focus on technique.  You learn faster and your CNS would love you for it.


Kirksman said...

But it ain't as awesome for the quads compared to a narrow stance y'all!! Technique must be spot on, whether at 10% or 100%. Actually, at 100%, it needs to be even more spot on, or you're looking at a missed lift.

Aizan Suhaira said...

Hi Kirksman... Glad to see you checking out my blog.

I agree that the narrow stance is better for the quads, but the wide stance work your glutes more... Which is pretty much the reason why i am using it. Lol!

I also agree that technique is important at 10% or 100%... But what i am trying to drive at is that it is much easier to work on your technique when the weight is lighter. Tha way, you wont develop bad habits as you start to lift heavier.

It's easier to learn good habits from the start but much harder to undo bad habits that have been developed over time.