Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ramblings and Frustrations

Jason Ferruggia's latest entry hits the nail squarely on the head. It is true. If you don't have a good reason to take good care of yourself, no amount of good advice will transform you into a lean, healthy person.

I've been approached by several friends who ask me questions on health and fitness. I tell them what I know but what is the point of me wasting my breath if they continue to eat junk, live a pathetically sedentary existence and keep making excuses after excuses for not improving their diet and lifestyle.

Then they weigh themselves on the scale and surprise surprise! They gained another 10 kilos. Then they get all depressed. Then they make themselves feel better by stuffing their face with chocolate cake and then they gain another 10 kilos and then they stuff their face with more chocolate cake. And the vicious cycle continues. Why they have a scale at home in the first place, I don't understand.

Frankly, I think these people are just plain lazy. Until they find that one profound reason to change their lifestyles completely, they shall remain fat and unhealthy. I'm sorry if some readers find my statement offensive. But it is the truth.

You become overweight because you didn't take good care of yourself. Don't blame your genetics. Don't blame your physical limitations. That's pure crap. Admit it. You abused yourself for years by overeating and under-exercising.

For those who are overweight and have found your profound reason to turn things around: I salute you and I wish you all the best in your quest to become healthier.

For the rest of you: Screw it. I couldn't care less.

Harsh but true.


LLQ said...

I have joined back the gym since 2weeks ago and I'm so glad that I did it.

Anyways, I cannot agree more with you on this para:

You become overweight because you didn't take good care of yourself. Don't blame your genetics. Don't blame your physical limitations. That's pure crap. Admit it. You abused yourself for years by overeating and under-exercising.

Keep blogging!Somehow keeps me motivated and be positive of what life would bring =)

Danie Dharma said...

Honestly, there are tons of people who will put in 0% effort when they want to have a better body. They'll look for someone who knows their stuff and just ask them to teach. They won't do any form of reading, and will think that just exercising alone is enough to see results. These people don't know how much other people read up to attain the knowledge, and will never know the value of what they are getting handed over to them. No point teaching these people. Just charge them a fee, or refer them to sites and magazines to read up themselves. They don't deserve people like us to source for info and translate to them for their hearing convenience :)